This is our site. The OEA is our organization. It is our best means for working together to better our skills, our accomplishments, and the conditions of our work as substitute teachers.
We can only expect improvements through working together. There are, luckily, any number of opportunities to get involved.
We need each other’s ideas and support. Again, you can submit comments and suggestions to our email address, Substitutes@OaklandEA.Org.
You can also bring your ideas to the monthly meetings of the OEA Substitute Teachers Caucus. Generally, they are held on the third Monday of each month, beginning at 4:00 pm, at the OEA office located at 272 East 12th Street, in Oakland.
We need folks to help with specific projects and standing committees
Our possibilities grow with our active numbers. We need to publicize our web site and our other activities to other substitute teachers, to inform them of what we can accomplish together, and how they, too, may participate. We need to build our email list, prepare flyers and other materials, and otherwise reach out to our colleagues.
Grievance Resolution Committee.
When our colleagues need help, or a workplace problem develops, we need capable folks to help solve the problem.
Resources, Training, and Professional Development.
We want to assemble resources and guides for substitute teachers, especially those who are new to the teaching profession. We want to propose, plan, and even lead training sessions on topics of interest. Classroom management? Curriculum? How to engage students at different ages and stages? The possibilities are vast!
Task Forces for Improvements and Innovations.
We bring tremendous experience and valuable insights to the practice of substitute teaching and to education in general. We can offer some much in improving the substitute system, in increasing our effectiveness as substitute teachers, and improving the OUSD in general. Again, the possibilities are vast. The improvements and respect that we gain will reward us and Oakland students for years to come.
Social Committee.
We are a fascinating community, diverse and lively. Let’s get to know each other better so that we may share our experience and support each others efforts. Help plan occasional gatherings and activities around our common interests.
We can only expect improvements through working together. There are, luckily, any number of opportunities to get involved.
We need each other’s ideas and support. Again, you can submit comments and suggestions to our email address, Substitutes@OaklandEA.Org.
You can also bring your ideas to the monthly meetings of the OEA Substitute Teachers Caucus. Generally, they are held on the third Monday of each month, beginning at 4:00 pm, at the OEA office located at 272 East 12th Street, in Oakland.
We need folks to help with specific projects and standing committees
Our possibilities grow with our active numbers. We need to publicize our web site and our other activities to other substitute teachers, to inform them of what we can accomplish together, and how they, too, may participate. We need to build our email list, prepare flyers and other materials, and otherwise reach out to our colleagues.
Grievance Resolution Committee.
When our colleagues need help, or a workplace problem develops, we need capable folks to help solve the problem.
Resources, Training, and Professional Development.
We want to assemble resources and guides for substitute teachers, especially those who are new to the teaching profession. We want to propose, plan, and even lead training sessions on topics of interest. Classroom management? Curriculum? How to engage students at different ages and stages? The possibilities are vast!
Task Forces for Improvements and Innovations.
We bring tremendous experience and valuable insights to the practice of substitute teaching and to education in general. We can offer some much in improving the substitute system, in increasing our effectiveness as substitute teachers, and improving the OUSD in general. Again, the possibilities are vast. The improvements and respect that we gain will reward us and Oakland students for years to come.
Social Committee.
We are a fascinating community, diverse and lively. Let’s get to know each other better so that we may share our experience and support each others efforts. Help plan occasional gatherings and activities around our common interests.